Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day

I love this picture of Joshua and Jason (it's from Easter of 2004).

Joshua and Delia both think their father is the greatest dad in the world and he really is.

Happy Father's Day to all the fathers!


Topsy said...

Wow I can't believe how similar Joshua looks to his baby pictures and now. I mean it is almost like he hasn't changed, just gotten bigger. Adorable

Honey said...

That is a darling picture - look how teeny Joshua was. They grow up way too fast!! Happy Father's Day Jason!

Sara LaClaire said...

so before i read this i thought, did they have another baby and i didn't realize it? what a little cutie joshua is! :)

Rebecca said...

Wow, was it really that long ago? Seems like yesterday. He has the cutest smile in this picture!