Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Kids are Great

I was playing with Joshua in the basement the other day and he was pretending that we were going hunting in the Arctic. We saw polar bears and penguins and we were having a great time! I was getting hungry and I asked if he wanted to come upstairs with me and get a snack. Joshua said "Mom, can you just bring my snack down here, I'm not done using my imagination."

What are great things your kids have said lately?


Mrs. Cropper said...

I love it--there is SOOO much imagination through creative play that we aren't fostering enough because of technology. But that's a soapbox for another day. Cute stuff Blaine has been saying...let's see...his friend Lucy has taught him how to sing "ee-i-ee-i-o" which is completely darling. She is also teaching him how to moo like a cow. He has heard me use the word "some" a lot--"Do you want some crackers/milk/yogurt?" etc. and so now he answers "some." Or without me even asking, he'll just come up to me, make the sign for cracker and say "some." It's pretty gosh darn cute.

Sarah said...

This isn't cute; it's actually a little depressing. The first day I left the kids with the girl, William started calling her mama. When she pointed to me and asked who I was he said "ogre!"

Emily Anne said...

I'm also so tickled to know that Joshua is playing creatively -- way to go, Christina. Henry says cute things almost daily as his little vocabulary grows and grows. I like how he says helicopter, "Heb-i-cotter," and how when I pick him up and let out a little strained grunt, he asks, "I a big boy, mama?" It's always fun to see what will come out of his mouth.

Emily Anne said...

Christina, I just wanted to tell you that I made some really, really (yeah, I think they deserve two reallys) yummy muffins tonight (and I remembered you asking Taylor about good muffin recipes...) anyway, they were pumpkin spice (I know, a little odd for Summer, but they sounded so...cozy) a recipe from the Williams Sonoma Seasonal Cooking you have it? And would you like it? If so, I'll e.mail the recipe to you! Just thought you might like it...and so might your B&B guests!

Jill said...

Lizzy, Andrew and Sophie all played "School" tonight together. I was allowed to be the teacher for their ABC's. Andrew taught us a science experiment, Lizzy taught art, and Sophie just gave everyone blank stares while trying to obey their instructions. We even had cafeteria time and proceeded to make a mess with a loaf of Zucchini bread I had just made!